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As a CLEAT member, you are entitled to the preparation by a staff attorney of simple wills, pre-death directives, and powers of attorney for yourself and your spouse.

Documents & Info

CLEAT Legal Plan

Critical Incident Response ✪
Call us at 1-800-752-5328
You can also download the CLEAT Tactical Bag App, which has GPS to pinpoint your exact location and will reach a CLEAT attorney 24/7

Garrity Statement

Miranda Warning

Officer Rights During Administrative Investigations

Temporary Income Protection Plan (TIPP)
The TIPPs Worksheet can be accessed through the CLEAT Member Portal by clicking on the ‘My TIPP Submissions’ tab.

The Will Worksheet can be accessed through the CLEAT Member Portal by clicking on the ‘My Will Information’ tab.


Workers Compensation

Texas Statutes

Attorney General of Texas – Opinions

Texas Ethics Commission

Texas Commission on Law Enforcement

Texas Pension Review Board

Texas Supreme Court

Preferred Providers